December 3, 2024 – Giving Tuesday!
What a super night. Stars kicked off the event by giving a heart felt account of what they are doing in the province. Legacy One explained how they use the arts to assist youth with mental health issues in schools. Break Free Outreach spoke abou
t all the programs they do in north central Regina. Realm rounded out the evening by stating how they spent the $7,800 from the previous meeting.
Congratulations to Break Free Outreach! Donations are to be made at the following address:
Next Meeting Tuesday March 11, 2025
September 10, 2024
Another successful meeting was held with Salthaven West explaining that they have been in existence for 10 years, working out of the basement of a residence and are fundraising for a building just north of the city. Realm Foundation spoke about how they connect families with physical disabilities with support networks and Al Ritchie Community Association spoke about their food and clothing store and other programs they provide.
Reach Autism explained that the donations received have made a big impact to their charity.
Congratulations to Realm Foundation!
Donations can be made via etransfer to
Consider donations to the Salthaven and or Al Ritchie Community Association
June 11, 2024
We had another powerful meeting. Holy Family spoke about the roof collapse that they experienced in 2023 and the struggles that they had with insurance and raising funds for the repair. REACH Autism Learning spoke about their organization and how it started. They provide support for 10 families and assist autistic children with language and writing skills. City Kidz spoke about how they provide support for 75 children living in low income families and mainly in North Central Regina.
Astonished rounded out the meeting with how our donation helped send children to Big Sky Outdoor Adventure.
Congratulations to REACH who were the successful charity!
Donations should be made via etransfer to
Please also consider making a donation to:
if you are able.
March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024 Astonished starting the meeting advising the group that they work with 22 + year old individuals who have a disability.
Regina Immigrant Women’s Centre Inc explained that they assist newcomer families adjust to a new life in Regina and Access Communications Children Fund explained that they assist youth in the Regina area and encouraged everyone to play TV Bingo!
Mother Teresa Middle School explained that the 100 Men donation was used to buy meals for all of January and February in 2024.
Congratulations to Astonished!
Donations to be made at
Also consider donating to and
November 28, 2023 (Giving Tuesday)
The Caring Place started the meeting off by explaining how they help individuals and families dealing with mental health issues. Circle Project stated that that they have two child care centres and provide lunches and clothing for people in North Central. Mother Teresa Middle School ended the formal presentations by saying how they help students transition into high school and university.
Lastly, Chili for Children spoke about what they do in the community by providing lunches for the hungry.
Congratulations to Mother Teresa Middle School! Donations can be made at
Consider donating to the other worthwhile charities at and
September 12, 2023
Canadian Mental Health Association – Regina Branch, spoke at this meeting on how the Regina branch builds supports with people to improve their mental health. Inclusion Regina spoke how their organization assists 40 individuals with intellectual disabilities and parents with “short breaks” each week.
Chili for Children spoke how their organization was in existence for 50 years feeding 1000 children each day in Regina.
We also had the recipient of our previous meeting donation, Ignite Adult Learning Corporation, speak on how the unexpected donation from the last meeting assisted with their programs.
Congratulations to Chili for Children who was the successful charity!
Donations can be mailed to 1264 Athol Street Regina Sk S4T 7V3 or electronically through Regina Indian Community Awareness, Inc. at
(CRA charity # is 107882300RR0001).
Be sure to indicate Chili for Children as a result of the 100 Men Who Care Regina S meeting.
Additional donations are encouraged to the other participating charities can be made at: CMHA – Regina Branch Donations and Inclusion Regina Donations.
June 6, 2023
At our meeting on June 6th, we heard from Ignite Adult Learning Corporation and how they serve the community by providing education and life skills for youth and adults with learning disabilities and addictions. They serve approximately 100 students per year. We also heard from Rainbow Youth Centre and the different services they provide- Road to Employment, Young Parenting, Youth Skills and After School programs. Regina Ecomuseum unfortunately was unable to attend the meeting. Creative Options Regina explained that the donation they received was used to train 2 new facilitators and also used for video resources.
Congratulations to Ignite Adult Learning Corporation who was the successful charity.
All members be sure to make your donation asap – Donations can be made at
And if you would like to support the other charities, donations can be made at and
Next Meeting is September 12th.
March 6, 2023
Regina Early Learning Centre started the meeting and spoke about one of their goals is to provide food security for preschool children and how this program is traditionally underfunded. Being Astonished spoke about how their organization assists young adults with physical disabilities to build strengths and dreams. Creative Options Regina explained that their organization develops personalized support services for people experiencing disability. Regina Food for Learning was appreciative of the $7,000.00 donation they received and how it helped purchase food for children. The January 2023 food cost doubled from 2022!
Congratulations to Creative Options Regina who was the successful charity. Donations can be made at
Donations for the other charities can be made at and
Next Meeting is June 6th, 2023.
November 29, 2022 provide meals to school children throughout Regina and said the donation from tonights event would help cover TWO schools for an entire school year. We also had some amazing and compelling presentations from two fantastic organizations, Planned Parenthood and Street Culture Project.
You can donate online at this link: Regina Food for Learning.

September 13, 2022
Donations may be made at and monies received may assist in the purchase of a new roof.
June 7, 2022
The presenter for JohnnyZ Healthy Minds gave a powerful talk about her husband and how suicide ended his life at 56 without any warning signs.
Their charity was started to raise awareness for men who are struggling with mental illness, the programs available to prevent suicide, and programs to help people navigate the complex systems that do exist when people have been involved in a trauma.
Nature Regina spoke about the importance of insects and plants and how they contribute to the overall health of our communities by providing guidance and access to keystone plants so that people can make lasting improvements to our healthy by resurrecting native plants into our ecosystem.
Lastly, Teddy Bears Anonymous spoke about about how and why this charity was started. The goal of the charity is to help children dealing with fear and uncertainty of medical intervention find some comfort by receiving a teddy bear that is sterilized and is able to accompany them in any hospital and/or ambulance to help them on their medical journey.
Cookies were also supplied for group!
Donations can be made on line at
Next meeting is September 13th – Hope to see you all there.
Cheque Presentation

March 8, 2022

November 23, 2021
Nov 23, 2021- 100 Men Meeting
The 3 charities that presented were absolutely fantastic.
Neil Squire spoke about how their adaptive technology assists youth with learning or other disabilities. OSI-CAN spoke about how their organization assists veterans and/or police/correctional workers who suffer from operational stress injury and Maybell Developments talked about how their organization is assisting troubled families and provides affordable housing through Lilium Village.
Congratulations to OSI-CAN who was the successful charity! Donations can be made at
Please consider making a donation to the other charities at:
Neil Squire
Maybell Developments
And finally – Thanks to the John Howard Society for coming out and updating us on the use of last meeting’s donation to the Lulu Lodge!
September 14, 2021
Sept 14, 2021

June 8, 2021
June 8, 2021
The 5th and (hopefully!) final Zoom meeting for 100 Men Who Care was conducted today.
The Caring Place explained that the $5300 donation that they received was used to assist clients client who cannot afford the $40 fee to receive assistance.
Regina Residential Resource Centre , Regina Work Preparation Centre and All Nations Hope/ (AWASIW) gave powerful presentations on what their organizations do in the city.
The successful charity chosen was All Nations Hope.
Donations can be made online at .
Please consider donating to the other charities well.
March 9, 2021

December 8, 2020
September 15, 2020
June 9th, 2020

March 24, 2020
Well, it was one for the memory books to be sure. We were unable to meet at Birmingham’s because of the COVID-19 situation. We wish the best of luck to all of the businesses affected by this global pandemic and it’s going to be a heck of a get together at Birmingham’s when the situation allows.
We had three fantastic groups to consider again this time – and would like to announce an incredibly close decision that was tallied by electronic votes, and congratulate REACH Regina on being the charity chosen to receive this round of donations.
The 100 Men Who Care members will be honouring their pledges through electronic donation, and if you’d like to donate, you can support this local group as they work to support childhood nutrition in the city during this tenuous time.
If you’d like to donate you can hit them up here:
If you’d like to support our runner up charities, they would welcome your support as well:
Air Cadet League:
Phoenix Residential Society:
Thank you to everyone who participated – your flexibility and willingness to help in these unusual times is appreciated.
Stay safe and sane and socially responsible – and we’ll hopefully see you in person next quarter!!
November 27, 2019
It was another great night at Birmingham’s, with three amazing charities sharing their stories with the group of Regina Men Who Care. With some new faces in the crowd and a growing number of members, the representatives from these three wonderful organizations shared their stories. We got to hear about the creation and growth of Hope’s Home and their incredible work helping medically fragile children and their families. We got an inspiring and informative look at the Special Olympics Saskatchewan and how this organization is helping build stronger communities through participation, education and sport. Our final presentation – and the recipient of the evening’s group donation – was the Shine On Foundation, a growing local charity that helps families dealing with the devastating fallout of a cancer diagnosis build lasting memories together through once in a lifetime experiences.
It was such an inspiring night and a great opportunity to meet the people in our community who drive these critical organizations – as well as a fun night of networking and camaraderie for the Men Who Care.
We hope you will consider joining us next time, as the more members we have, the more financial support we can give these fantastic community groups. See you in March?
Find out more about each of the organizations by visiting their websites:
Hopes Home
Special Olympics Saskatchewan
Shine On
We were also joined by Sofia House, the recipient of September 10th’s group donation. They came by to give us an update on how the funds had been used. It was great to hear they had put our donation to good use!!
September 10th, 2019
It was a dreary September night, but a hearty crowd still gathered to learn about SOFIA House and The Salthaven Sanctuary.
Thank you so much to both organizations for coming out and teaching us about the important work you do. It’s amazing to meet some of the people who make organizations like yours work to deliver the important programs you offer.
The 100 Men Who Care Regina group voted to direct the proceeds of our September 10th, 2019 meeting to SOFIA House, and hope they can make use of the funds we were able to provide them.
It was another fun night at Birmingham’s, getting to network with like-minded people while learning about the amazing Salthaven Animal Sanctuary and their tireless work to support injured and sick wild animals.
Both of these organizations are always looking for donations and volunteer support, so please check their websites out to learn more about how you can help them.
Salthaven Wildlife & Education Centre